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Invictus Jr. NEO

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Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO
Invictus Jr. NEO

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Invictus Jr. NEO

The Invictus Junior NEO was born out of the inten­tion to offer the uncom­pro­mising con­cept of its ‘spiri­tual father’, our refe­rence turn­table Invictus NEO, in a more com­pact design.

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Acoustic Signature Invictus Jr. NEO 

Unboxing / Demo YouTube


The Invictus Junior NEO was born out of the inten­tion to offer the uncom­pro­mising con­cept of its ‘spiri­tual father’, our refe­rence turn­table Invictus NEO, in a more com­pact design. To get as close as possi­ble to the sonic ‘over’ capa­bi­lities of the Invictus NEO, we have put all our know­ledge of turn­table cons­truc­tion and the essence of music into the deve­lop­ment of the Invictus Junior NEO. The result: a high mass turn­table for those who don’t want to settle for less than the best!


Acoustic Signature CLD:
Constraint Layer Damping

Constraint Layer Dam­ping (CLD) is a mecha­nical engi­nee­ring method for the absorp­tion or mini­mi­zation of vibra­tions. In audio compo­nents CLD techno­logy is usually imple­mented by using sand­wich designs that ’embed’ a damping material layer between mate­rials that do not them­selves have suffi­cient dam­ping proper­ties. A cart­ridge will only track a record unaffec­ted, if it finds a quiet sur­face without reso­nance inter­feren­ces. Accor­dingly, it is neces­sary to deve­lop vibration-free chassis and platter designs – this must be done in addi­tion to the reso­nance-reducing mea­sures for motors, drive and bea­ring cons­truc­tion.

In order to achieve this, we already exten­ded the typical CLD techno­logy approach more than 20 years ago. Beyond the classic sand­wich cons­truc­tion, we presen­ted an absolute novelty to the high-end world: the Acoustic Signa­ture silencer platter, which imme­diately set new stan­dards in vibra­tion absorp­tion. Our twin-track CLD approach, which is mainly used in our high-mass turn­tables, is still unsur­passed in its effec­tiveness.

In the course of plan­ning and deve­lo­ping our NEO product line, we have been working inten­sively on impro­ving our CLD con­cept. First, our tests led to an opti­mized material combi­nation consis­ting of two layers of a special alu­minum alloy and an inter­mediate brass layer. Second, this also led to a new arrange­ment as well as an adjust­ment of size, weight and position of our silencer brass bolts when imple­mented in our platters. 

In addition, we had to sensibly pair the two CLD tools descri­bed above with the NEO chassis to maxi­mize the effect. The elabo­rate material experi­ments and listening sessions were worth the efforts: in our NEO turn­table series we have succee­ded in taking the inter­action of all techno­logies to a stun­ning new level! A rigid, yet energy-absor­bing chassis based on finite element design princip­les, and our new CLD approach creates unbea­table units in terms of reso­nance behavior.

The CLD techno­logies that we imple­ment in the Acoustic Signa­ture NEO turn­table gene­ration have clearly excee­ded our metro­logical expec­tations and also show off in terms of sound perfor­mance – with an even blacker back­ground, larger ima­ging, increa­sed trans­parency and, above all, breath­taking musicality.


Acoustic Signature AVC:
The Automatic Vibration Control

The vision of an Auto­matic Vibration Control was born long before the plan­ning of our NEO series. During the deve­lop­ment of our new turn­table gene­ration we found it was the right time to bring our ideas to life: The high-quality AC motors that drive our turn­tables are cons­truc­ted with 2 coils and 24 poles. To make the coils rotate, they are fed with a sine wave and a 90° phase-shifted signal. Unfor­tu­nately all AC syn­chro­nous motors show pro­duction-related tole­ran­ces that pre­vent the poles and coils from being posi­tioned one hun­dred per­cent cor­rectly – a key reason for unwan­ted vibra­tions. In order to effec­tively mini­mize or even avoid these, all produc­tion tole­ran­ces must be com­pen­sa­ted by other means.

This is where our AVC techno­logy comes in: It is able to mea­sure the resul­ting distor­tions in real time. Based on those measure­ments, AVC adjusts the phase shifts to the motor signals – also in real time and fully auto­matic! These digitally moni­tored cor­rec­tive mea­sures ensure a drastic reduc­tion of the vibra­tions – an extra effec­tive bene­fit for turn­tables driven by a multi-motor concept.

The sonic gain is so dra­matic that we deci­ded to equip all NEO series turn­tables with that break­through tech­no­logy. Depen­ding on the drive system and the number of motors used, our Auto­matic Vibra­tion Control is imple­men­ted in three confi­gu­ration stages, each with diffe­rent intensity:  AVC Level 1, AVC Level 2 & AVC Level 3.  All stages – Level 3 stands for the highest effi­ciency – use diffe­rent soft­ware and hard­ware. In addition, from Level 2 on, the motors are strictly selec­ted and paired to maxi­mize the effect.


Special Features:

  • 4 integrated, completely insulated AC-motors
  • External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable multi-voltage power supply and innovative AVC technology level 3 (Auto­matic Vibration Control)
  • Ultraprecise, extremely rigid and robust DTD® bearing with diamond-coated spindle (Dura Turn Diamond® Bearing)
  • Oversized, massive anodized aluminum 335 mm sandwich platter with brass layer (total weight of 16.5 kg)
  • Exclusive silencer technology with 56 silencer modules (24 internal, 32 external) for platter vibration reduction
  • Massive aluminum chassis with CLD technology (Constraint Layer Damping) for significantly improved resonance behavior
  • RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the sub-platter
  • External control panel for flexible placement
  • 3-point setup with height-adjustable and special gel-damped feet
  • Prepared for up to four 9 to 12 inch Tonearms (Tonearms Sold Separately)
  • Adjustable armbase with exchangeable arm­boards for nuemrous tonearms
  • Optional finish upgrade in black-gold with 24K gold-plated components
  • 15-year warranty (with registration)

MSRP: Starting at $136,995 - Tonearms sold separately. 


Technical data

AC-motors:4 (completely insulated)
Drive system:RPM-regulated double belt drive with speed fine adjustment for the subplatter
AVC:Level 3
Speed range:33 1/3 RPM and
45 RPM
Power adapter:External digital motor controller DMC-20 with super stable power supply
(100 V – 260 V AC, 50 / 60Hz.)
(WxDxH: 24 x 22 x 6cm; 2.6 kg)
Control panel:External for flexi­ble placement
Bearing:High-precision Dura Turn Diamond® bearing
Tone arm base:Adjustable arm­base,
exchangeable armboard for various tonearms
Tone arm compati­bility:9 to 12 inch
Maximum number of tone arms:4
Platter:50 mm anodized aluminum sandwich platter base
with brass layer and Silen­cer modules
(Ø 335 x 50 mm / 16.5 kg)
Chassis:93 mm aluminum alloy
Feet:3 height-adjustable gel-damped aluminum feet
Dimen­sions (WxDxH):608 x 608 x 224 mm
Weight:ca. 108 kg



Available finishes

Chassis and platter:silver (anodized),
black (anodized) with 24K gold plated components,
black-chrome or plain black (anodized) version upon request
Silencer:Polished brass,
optional: 24 carat gold-plated or polished chrome


Package contents

  • Invictus Jr. NEO chassis
  • Platter
  • Subplatter
  • Base plate
  • Arm­base
  • External control panel
  • External power supply DMC-20
  • Power cord
  • Patch cables
  • 4 drive belts
  • Tool set
  • Carbon mat
  • Gloves
  • Instruction manual
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